
Transform the way you research

SPEEDA Edge empowers organizations to make faster, smarter decisions with market intelligence on disruptive tech and industries.

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What we offer

Our subscriptions give you access to all industries, even if you subscribe to the most basic tier. Why? Because we see how technology converges and want you to have the full benefit and visibility of any industry of your choice as it will empower your work and research outcomes. In addition, we include complimentary custom research hours. Connect with us to understand more about which package suits you, based on your team size and applications.

Analyst access
Custom research request
For information you cannot get access from our platform, you will have a set hours within the package to our analysts for customized requests.
Trend Tracking
Daily news updates
Track the key news from each emerging industry
Quarterly industry reports
In-depth quarterly reports that summarizes key activities for each emerging industry
Personalized newsletter
Get key updates and trends for industries and companies you care about.
Industry Hubs
Market size
Each industry’s market size with calculation methodology for each segment
Startup competitive analysis
Benchmark both incumbents and start-ups against product as well as company metrics
Tech use cases
Understand the use cases for emerging tech across diverse industries
Enterprise activities
Tracks in-house developments, partnerships, M&As and investments, updated dynamically
Startup market map
Quickly grasp where each company sits within its respective industry
Startup profile
Detail profile
Understand the in-depth impact to their related emerging industry
Competitor analysis
Benchmark both incumbents and start-ups against product as well as company metrics
Funding data
Understand the use cases for emerging tech across diverse industries
EDGE interviews
Interview pieces with CEOs or other key persons from disruptors from our coverages
Enterprise profile
Detailed strategies
Details out strategy and their activities within our entire coverage
Partnership tracker
Tracks partnership strategies dynamically comparable with competitors
Innovation activity tracker
Tracks in-house developments, M&As and investments, updated dynamically
Products and services
Detailed list of products and services
Focus markets
Detailed analysis on focus market distributions and strategies
List of key developments and outlooks analyzed from its corporate strategy
Financial data
Access financial information for public enterprises.
Trusted by the world’s leading enterprises
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Our in-house market sizing gives you a total addressable market (TAM), current actual market size, and forecasts for the next 5 years, along with the analyst’s assumptions and rationale.